I'm a machine learning and product enthusiast focused on creating technology with users in mind.
Most recently, I've worked as a Machine Learning Intern at Blackberry QNX, as well as interned as an AI Product Intern at Superbio.AI.
I'd love to connect further on linkedin or by email, and feel free to check out my github!
A free, open-source web app that takes in lecture recordings as inputs and outputs their summaries
Libraries: PyTorch, Pandas, logmmse
Exploratory data and sentiment analysis on student experiences from their first term of university
Libraries: Matplotlib, Seaborn, NumPy, NLTK
An end-to-end machine translation pipeline that returns the French translation of an English text input
Libraries: Keras, NumPy
An end-to-end automatic speech recognition pipeline that accepts raw audio as an input and returns a predicted transcription as an output
Libraries: Keras, Tensorflow, NumPy, _pickle, Seaborn, Matplotlib
A Hidden Markov Model for part-of-speech tagging with a universal part-of-speech tagset
Libraries: nltk, Pomegranate, Matplotlib, NumPy